The Main Reasons Behind Your Inaction

Ever felt like you know the actual thing to do to change your life, you think about it constantly but never get down to taking action? 

This my friend is the closest thing to dreaming and can be really frustrating.

You're on a quest for treasure, blueprint in your hand but somehow you keep wandering in circles.

Even with your best intentions, you just can’t seem to take the right steps toward that X that marks the spot. 

What’s leading you astray?

Truth is, only 8 percent of people live out their dreams in life. 8 percent. That’s 92% who do not.

And the only one stopping you from doing so is… well, you.

Now why would I stop myself from taking actions you say,

It's a mystery.

And from the heart of this mystery, 3 culprits emerge: fear, the stories you tell yourself, and a lack of clear goals.

What is Fear?

“Fear is an intensely unpleasant primal emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing a danger or threat.” –Wikipedia

Fear is an emotion that is as natural as breathing, yet is often the biggest barrier to success. Yes, fear may be natural – but most fears are learned, not innate.

There are four common intellectual fears that commonly trip people up:

Fear of Failure: This feeling is all too familiar for many of us when faced with challenges or new situations, whether it be a new job, a difficult conversation, or even starting a new hobby or business. Overcoming the fear of failure is essential to taking actions that befits our lives.

Fear of Success: The fear of success involves being afraid of achievement, often to the point that we sabotage ourselves. While success is generally viewed as desirable, there are reasons why we may be fearful of doing too well.

It is important to recognize that people often don't fear success itself. Instead, their fear is centered on the potential consequences of success. Because expectations of success are often based on the idea that achieving your goals means making sacrifices or enduring losses, it is perhaps not surprising that people may be wary of what success might ultimately cost them.

Fear of being perceived as a fraud: Another name for this is Imposter Syndrome and it involves feeling like a fraud despite one's achievements. It can cause feelings of anxiety, affect relationships and stop you from taking further actions towards your goals.

Fear of Rejection: The fear of rejection can become a self-fulfilling prophecy through a cycle of negative thinking and behavior. When you fear rejection, you may avoid situations where rejection is possible, like social gatherings or job opportunities, leading to missed chances to build confidence and resilience.

These fears conjure up daunting, painful visions of futures that will likely never exist.

To overcome your fears, the trick is to see them for what they truly are: mere illusions. By recognizing them as such, you can convert them from stumbling blocks to stepping stones.

Ask yourself what future pain you’re avoiding. 

Are you scared your business will fail?

Or you’ll go broke?

Or you’ll lose the people you love once you become successful? 

So what? 

Take action anyway!

Let fear show you where your comfort zone ends – then push past that boundary, taking small but significant steps to expand your zone. This is where growth happens, where freedom lies.

The second reason why you don't take action is

The Stories You Tell Yourself

The narrative you’ve woven about yourself over the years, an identity crafted from a tapestry of past experiences. This narrative can be a powerful dictator of what you believe you can or cannot do, often keeping you tethered to a version of yourself that no longer serves your aspirations.

The key to breaking free? 

Embark on actions that may feel foreign at first but are steps toward the future you want. Even if it feels like a charade initially, these actions will gradually coalesce into a new identity – one that aligns with the life you yearn for. 

Picture yourself, just for a day, living as your ideal self. Each action, each decision, brings you a step closer to that reality.

Finally, the third thing that prevents you from taking action is your Lack of Clear Goals. Yes, you might have aspirations, but are they clear enough?

The Power of Specificity

Specificity is about being clear and precise about what you want to achieve. For example, vague goals like losing weight or earning more lack the specificity needed for true achievement. Be specific. How much weight do you want to release? How much money do you want to see in your bank account? 

To Clarify Your Goals, Nail Down Your Passions

It’s not hard to stay inspired to achieve your goals when you're passionate about them. But how do you know what you’re passionate about? 

Engage in a heartfelt dialogue with yourself on four key points– what you love, what you’re good at, what you can get paid for, and what the world needs. Look for overlap between these four areas; that’s your ikigai, your purpose for being. This is what will pull you toward accomplishing what you aim for. Once you get a clear understanding of your goals, prioritize them like you would other necessities in life. 

The Power of Visualization. 

Let’s not underestimate the power of visualization. It’s like a secret weapon, tricking your brain into believing your goals are easily within reach. 

Visualization involves immersing yourself in a future scenario, using all five senses to make it feel real, achievable. This practice not only normalizes your dreams but also elevates your standards, much like an athlete breaking once-unthinkable records. Incorporate visualization into your daily routine, and watch as what once seemed impossible starts to feel surprisingly attainable. 

So, now that you’ve uncovered the reasons behind your inaction, it’s time to move forward and learn how to move from mere dreaming to dynamic doing.

Start taking action now towards your goal of living your dream life by booking a free consultation with me.

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Stay tuned for more life fulfilling articles like this one.

Gbemi Giwa.


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